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Daily & Weekly Horoscopes
The main features of the site are the weekly horoscopes which are also available by e-mail for free. It's also possible to get your personal daily horoscope based on your birthday or simpler general horoscopes. On other sites, you have to sign-up or pay a fee to access those features. On 0800- horoscope these astrology features are free! Our site has been online since September 1st, 1998.
Astrology Information
The unique Combination Horoscope is exclusive to 0800- horoscope. It gives you a much better picture of the week ahead by combining the horoscopes of your zodiac sign, moon sign and ascendant. If you don't know your moon sign or ascendant (rising sign) then you can find it out using our free birth chart.
As you know, love makes the world go round: maybe you are looking for love, or you've found love already, or it could be that you've lost your love again. Our love compatibility tells you how well you match with your partner or dream-date. Discover how you can turn your relationship into a better romance.
Of course there is a lot more to discover on 0800-horoscope. As you click through the site, you'll discover how easy it is to read your horoscope and find out more about yourself.
The weekly horoscope gives you an in-depth insight into your family, your love life, any career opportunities, friends and money issues. Check out who is the most compatible with you!
Your Astrology and Horoscope Team

We hope that provides you with all the answers to your most pressing questions.
Have fun!
New Astrology and Horoscope Reports for the New Year!
Most Popular: Astrology Report Package for the new year
This is the new report for the new year. Check out your personal forecast! Get a day by day view of the most important astrology factors in your horoscope.
Make this year your best year ever! Embrace your ambitions!
It's all about you! Find out about Love, Career, and the important days. Click Here!